
Life Events

All Saints Anglican Church offers the Collie community a variety of pastoral services from celebrations to farewells.

Holy Communion

Church services are held every Sunday at 9am. However, Holy Communion is conducted only on the first or second Sunday of each month. For further details, please contact the warden on0478 640 379.


The Church is a beautiful, traditional heritage listed Church full of stained glass windows, a wonderful mural and a glorious memorial rose garden. As there is currently no Anglican Priest in the Collie Parish, please contact the Diocese of Bunbury if you are interested in having your wedding at All Saints Church.


Baptism is a significant moment when a person becomes a member of the Church, regardless of age. At All Saints Anglican Church we want to welcome you into our community. When people say ‘yes’ to Baptism, they are saying ‘yes’ to God’s embracing love and God’s desire for us to belong to the community of God. If you would like to be baptised or have your child baptised at our beautiful church, please make an appointment to meet with a Priest from the Diocese of Bunbury. They will guide you in exploring the meaning of Baptism and the commitment which it involves. If you then wish to proceed with Baptism, a date will be decided upon and preparations made.


The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living’ Marcus Tullius Cicero.

An Anglican, funeral service centres around a message of God’s love, comfort and hope. All Saints Anglican Church would be pleased to conduct a service that is a celebration of the life of your loved one. This service can take place within the beautiful Church, grounds of the Memorial Rose Garden, Cemetery or Crematorium. Neither the person who died or the person who is organising the funeral needs to be a churchgoer. The Priest will work in with the funeral directors. Please contact the Diocese of Bunbury regarding a Priest to officiate at your funeral.

Memorial Rose Garden

The Anglican Parish of All Saints Collie provides ministry spanning across life’s journey and in support of families following the death of loved ones.  After a funeral and cremation, the choice of where to place the ashes can be difficult. The Memorial Rose Garden on the northern side of the Church was established in 1974 and has become the final resting place for the ashes of many loved family members. There are over 150 plaques placed in front of rose bushes that allow family members to come and honour those they loved. There are also wooden benches for those needing a time of reflection. The Memorial Rose Garden is open to the public and is available for all of Collie to enjoy and remember. If you would like to find out more about the Internment of Ashes please contact the Warden Marie Woodward (see Our Ministry Team).